How I Lost 60 Pounds | 4 Month Weight Loss Journey

Hi guys! I’ve struggled my whole life with being overweight and it took me many many years to finally figure out how to burn fat off AND keep it off. I had a baby boy 3 years ago and after I was completely done breast feeding- I started to notice a drastic gain in my weight. This really took a toll in my health and quality of life. This video is so personal and it is still so shocking to see my before and after photos. Here are 5 simple steps on what I did that helped me lose over 60 pounds in 4 months.

Today, since this video, I have lost a total of 68 pounds. Please know, this is my personal experience and I am in no shape a Health or Fitness expert. I’m just a boy mom that finally has found a simple way to lose fat and I want to help others. Thank you so much for watching and I hope this inspires many of you that have been trying to lose weight/fat. Please subscribe to my channel and like this video. It would mean the world to me. xoxo